Hi there!
I’m Thien Lan and I’m a food blogger, marketing professional, wife and mum of two boys!
Like your typical Asian foodie you can’t start a meal before I’ve had a picture of all the dishes! My excuse? It’s for my readers to enjoy and discover great restaurants around Switzerland (Zürich), France (Paris, Bourgogne, Lorraine…), Norway (Oslo) and now the French Riviera!
Indeed, I’m a serial expat. I’m a French born Vietnamese who grew up and studied in Paris. After having spent 11 years of my life living and working in Sydney, Australia, as a family we moved back to Europe and spend one year in Zürich, and four in Oslo, Norway. Next permanent destination: the French Riviera – Côte d’Azur! Read why we’re moving again.
This blog started in 2014 as my husband and I quit our jobs in Sydney. We moved back to Europe to be closer to family and old friends (or call it mid-life crisis). My articles were mainly focused on restaurant reviews around Zürich and France. The highlight was an epic week-end with a total of 5 Michelin stars over two days! We were also lucky enough to have plenty of time to spend with the kids, traveling, skiing and entertaining them in general.
Within a year, we moved to Oslo. Everyday life, the customs and the culture are so different there that I ended up blogging more about life in Norway, one of the happiest countries on Earth!
Then Instagram came along so follow me for your quick fix of food porn, traveling and other random activities ———>
I also went through a lot of questioning around my career. I graduated from HEC Paris (Business School) and used to work for Top Fortune 500 companies. The recent multiple moves in countries where I don’t master the language and the desire to spend more time with my children made me think twice about what I really want to do. I’m now working for a Norwegian software company and you can read a couple of my interviews and talks here.
Leave a comment! Happy to hear from you and what topics you enjoy most.
Bon Appetit!
trop sympa ton blog!!!
je suis nouvelle a zurich donc besoin de bonnes adresses 😉
je suis a Gockhausen donc si ca te dit de se rencontrer…
Bienvenue Stéphanie!
Merci pour ton commentaire c’est super gentil. Oui prenons un café!
Très intéressant ton blog, bravo!
Bien envie d’essayer tes recommandations de restaurants à zurich et en Bourgogne 🙂
A bientôt peut-être, anh mai
Attends Attends, bientôt un post sur TOUS les restos Viets que j’ai essayes a Zurich!
Merci pour tes compliments, ca fait super plaisir!
Oui a bientôt!
I feel honoured at being mentioned !
You’re hunch is correct – I am a bachelor – no wife, no car, no kids 🙂
All the best – rpg
Hi RPG, thanks for your comment. Couldn’t leave one on you blog to say I really enjoyed your story with your date and the Italian asian night, apero tram and all. Hope she had a great night and you won’t be a bachelor for much longer… 😉
Hi Thien Lan
Thanks for leaving a message on my blog about my link-up. I’ve sent you an email explaining how to do it. Look out for it from contact@loumessugo.com I look forward to reading your blog!
Hi Thien
My name is Leanne Argyle, my husband Tony and I have recently started a Travel Podcast called The Expat Chat.
We interview expats, digital nomads, 45+ retirees, solos, couples, families who are travelling the world or moved to a new country. Our mission is to inspire people around the world to realize there is more than ‘the normal’ option available when it comes to living your life and to get out there, explore the world and other cultures and (most of the time) that it is often cheaper and easier than their old life at home!
Our podcast, launched mid-September and we are thrilled with the response so far with almost 25000 downloads, we have regularly appeared as Number 1 Travel Podcast on New and Noteworthy I-tunes in both the USA and Australia!
Here is a link to our website: http://theexpatchat.com/
Or I-tunes: https://itunes.apple.com/au/podcast/expat-chat-lifestyle-travel/id1039954169?mt=2
We upload a brand new podcast 5 days a week and would love to add you to the list.
What’s in it for you? Well first up you’ll have fun! Plus you, of course will be given an opportunity to plug your blog/business, and the best thing? You will be inspiring others (including ourselves as it is ALL we aspire to do!) to explore this amazing world we live in! We haven’t talked to anyone living or travelling in Norway as yet and would be really interested in your perspective.
We would love to have you onboard so please let us know if you are interested and I will send you the link to our interview calendar so you can book your spot!
Many thanks and hope to hear from you soon!
Leanne & Tony Argyle
The Expat Chat
Gold Coast, Australia
Hi Leanne, I replied via a private email. Hope you got it. Cheers
Super ton blog Thien Lan ! J’ai évidemment pas tout lu mais je vais y passer un peu de temps car c’est une pépite (et je suis en congé parental ;-)) !
Des bises
Écrit par une marketeuse pour les marketeurs 😉 félicitations! Ah oui tu trouveras plein d’idées alors. Pour les histoires plus personnelles sur le garçons quand ils étaient bébés tu peux aussi aller dans les archives de http://lesweber.blogspot.com 🙂 enjoy!