Happy New Year everyone!
And with the new year come your 2015 resolutions. 2014 with its lot of changes, disappointments and moments of joy, helped me prioritise and listen to my heart and my body.
2014 learnings:
- 30 day abs and squat challenge work-out made me feel a bit looser in my clothes but I gained 3 kg and I didn’t find a way to sustain the my shape
- I got pneumonia and spent 6 days in hospital in Zurich. When you look at what is causing pneumonia, I don’t tick many of these: I don’t smoke, don’t drink much, am certainly not malnourished, am not older than 65 (yet) etc… those I do tick though are:
- weakened immune system, and I believe this was caused by all the stress generated by the move and the strenuous logistics associated to it, and the fact that I held back all the emotions related to leaving my friends, my job and beautiful life in Sydney. You know, when you feel all what you had to do is over and you can relax, your adrenaline level drops down and that’s when you get exposed to diseases. In fact my condition wasn’t getting any better for the first 3 days in hospital despite my intravenous antibiotics treatment. On that third day I cried a lot and from that day my condition got better which makes me feel that letting go all the sadness and negative emotions was a big part of the cure.
- exposure to certain chemicals or pollutants – when I got sick coincides with the time when we bought and assembled new furniture for the kids. We bought lots of cost effective furniture from Conforama and Ikea which are not made of solid wood but pressed-wood fibreboard which glue contains formaldehyde. Research show that that formaldehyde can be very toxic causing cough and irritation among some people. The concentration of those toxic fumes are particularly high in the first 10 days you unpack the piece of furniture.

- Playful activities like dancing and tennis are more suitable for me. In fact Cancan dancing is an excellent cardio exercise. We even get to do cartwheels and believe it or not, my dance teacher used to perform at glam and prestigious places like the Crazy Horse in Paris. These activities allowed me to meet people in this new city (Belgian girls even!) and build relationships which gives me so much more energy and happiness. Stay tune or a post about our show taking place on Sunday 11 Jan 2015!

2015 resolutions
- Listen to my body and making sure my diet is balanced is key.
- Since meat is so expensive here while organic fruit and veggies are much more affordable than in Sydney, we shifted our diet and eat lots of healthy soups.
- My soft spot though is CHEESE! I’m slightly lactose intolerant and too much dairy coupled with a cold weather quickly make my cough come back.
- Sugar is evil. I don’t feel well when I had too much cake and sweet stuff. I’m now having coffee without sugar (I decided honey is ok though) and keep avoiding desserts apart from fruits (like every time I’m not eating out or promoting my friend from Simply Macarons amazing products!)
- I haven’t been tracking my weight for a few years now, it’s working for me. My benchmark is how I fit in my clothes and sometimes I buy bigger size clothes too. Guess I’ve come to accept my natural weigh. I just check other things like my cough or pimples, dry skin etc… those are a symptoms of some unbalance somewhere!
- I also need to make sure I don’t get stressed as this makes my immune system get weaker and the cough and chest infections come back. So be nice to me 😉

What is YOUR 2015 health resolution???
Leave your comment here!
(I’m sick only getting spam comment about how I can increase the traffic on my blog)
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Next episode: 2015 resolutions on career, fashion, parenting and more…
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